Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Growing Like a Weed!

Well, Carter is now 17 months old! He is growing so fast, and learning new things every day, it seems.  He has a mouth full of teeth (and yes, he knows how to use them when he's mad) and eats whatever we all eat.  His favorite at the moment is popcorn!  Of course, we have to be the portion control or he'll have a mouthful before you know it!  And goldfish crackers.  He still takes a bottle a couple of times a day, which is the next hurdle.  I don't know why, maybe because he was a preemie, but he never wanted a pacifier, and never really had a "lovey" or anything.  But the bottle, well, that's it.  He really doesn't care if he runs out of milk, still wants that bottle in his mouth!  So that will be an ordeal when it's finally taken away.
He is the king of pointing and grunting.  I have told him eventually, he will actually have to say words and he just looks at me like I have worms growing out of my head. He knows exactly what is off-limits in my house, and guess what he wants to do? The most fun is turning the TV off and on, done with a big smile,of course! And most of my cabinets are harmless, except for under the sink where the cleaning stuff is kept.  He has no interest in all the other cabinet doors, only those.  So, still never a minute without having him in eyesight.
He is finally starting to have an interest in books.  Not to read, only to point out objects on the page and talk about them.  Reading will come, in time.  Right now, it's too slow-paced for him. 
My husband has a hunting show on TV, and the other night, we were watching it.  I said, "Look, there's Grandpa on TV.  And look, there's Grandpa on the couch."  He had the most confused expression as he looked at the TV, then to the couch, trying to figure out how Grandpa could be 2 places!  He makes us laugh every time we see him.  And there is such excitement, as everything is something new to be explored.  We worried when he came so early that he would be delayed in his development, but we really see no evidence of that. We thank God for this little blessing!!
A few every-day pictures!!