Friday, August 7, 2015

Nearly Two Years Old!

Carter is fast-approaching the two-year mark!  So hard to believe!
Over the last few months, he has learned and progressed at an amazing rate!  He now has many words in his vocabulary, and even know some sign language as well.  And though he doesn't always "say" what he wants, he knows exactly how to make it known to you.  He no longer uses a bottle.  He is at the beginning of potty-training.  (We are hoping eventually it will bother him to have poop in his pants!)
He loves anything water-related, and is an examiner of all bugs and animals.  He much prefers outdoors to indoors, and is always unhappy when it's time to go in.
We are working on using our "whisper" voice for church, although he hasn't quite mastered that yet.  And he is totally interested in the workings of everything.  Think you have "baby-proofed" something?  Just let him see you open it one time and he remembers how to get things open. 
He recently welcomed a new cousin, and he loves to give her hugs, but has a little trouble differentiating between "big" hugs and "gentle" hugs, so we have to keep a sharp eye out when the baby is around. 
His favorite thing is dinosaurs.  We are gearing up for a dinosaur birthday party, which should be a real hoot!
He is a connoisseur of corn on the cob!  He enjoyed the first Fourth of July he was able to participate in at the lake with our family.  Great Grandpa even let him drive the boat!
And he loves to do everything "just like daddy"!  He's got some big shoes to fill, because we think his daddy is pretty special!
Here are a few pictures!!!