Thursday, December 12, 2013

Beta Blockers Working!!

So Carter has begun taking the beta blocker medication for the hemangioma on his forehead.  We met with his pediatrician and asked a thousand questions about this medication in babies.  He said he had personally used it on two other babies who had them in locations that would have been inoperable and said it worked very well.  But it is basically kind of uncharted territory.  He didn't have a lot of answers to our questions, and of course we had googled everything we could find on it.  Carter had to go in for a base blood pressure reading, and the doctor felt of the hemangioma and measured it.  He goes once a week for a blood pressure check and the doctor takes measurements and feels of it each time.  Courtney is taking pictures to chart the progress.  He has been taking the medication for a week and a half and already it has greatly reduced in size and appearance.  When he started, the skin was very red and tight-looking where it was bulging out.  Now, it is much softer, smaller in diameter and has a different appearance.  The only side effects noticeable are that Carter is really tired for a short time after he takes the medication (he takes 3 doses a day).  So we are very hopeful that this will speed the reduction of this. 
His last weight check was 10 lbs. 2 oz.  He has like 2 or 3 chins now!  He is fascinated with ceiling fans!  If there is one in a room, he cranes his neck to stare at it no matter which way you turn him.  And he is starting to make little cooing noises, but usually acts surprised when it happens.  I told Courtney, in a short time, he will be doing that non-stop and probably at inopportune times!  He now holds his head steady for long periods of time and is getting stronger by the day.  And he wiggles and riggles all over.  Still hoping he can sit in a bumbo seat by Christmas - will make for really cute pictures!
More later...

Monday, December 2, 2013

Carter's First Thanksgiving

Well, Carter survived his first Thanksgiving!  He visited with the Gann family early in the day, and then came to see the Myers/Alexander's for the afternoon.  His last weight check was 9 lbs, 4 oz!!  He is just growing like a weed!  He has begun to smile on purpose, and is starting to coo some.  He is becoming more vocal when things aren't like he wants them - I wouldn't call it a cry - more of a yell!  He lets you know when he's mad!  He has had several nights that he has slept for 6 hours or more.  All good signs of growing and maturing.  He is quickly outgrowing his clothes.  He wore newborn for a good while, and the 0-3 months size are now starting to be too short!  He is holding his head up for longer periods.  Maybe by Christmas he will be able to sit in a bumbo seat.  We are all so excited for him to experience his first Christmas.  I said I wasn't even going to buy a bunch of toys because he doesn't know it's Christmas, but you know how that goes.  One trip down the baby toy aisle and I had several things tossed into my cart!  His daddy says he is already spoiled, but isn't that what we are supposed to do?!  He is not a big fan of the bounce seat or anything really, that involves not being held!  The doctor says by the time he is around 6 months, it will be OK to let him fuss a little and try to soothe himself, but for now, the spoiling continues!