Monday, December 2, 2013

Carter's First Thanksgiving

Well, Carter survived his first Thanksgiving!  He visited with the Gann family early in the day, and then came to see the Myers/Alexander's for the afternoon.  His last weight check was 9 lbs, 4 oz!!  He is just growing like a weed!  He has begun to smile on purpose, and is starting to coo some.  He is becoming more vocal when things aren't like he wants them - I wouldn't call it a cry - more of a yell!  He lets you know when he's mad!  He has had several nights that he has slept for 6 hours or more.  All good signs of growing and maturing.  He is quickly outgrowing his clothes.  He wore newborn for a good while, and the 0-3 months size are now starting to be too short!  He is holding his head up for longer periods.  Maybe by Christmas he will be able to sit in a bumbo seat.  We are all so excited for him to experience his first Christmas.  I said I wasn't even going to buy a bunch of toys because he doesn't know it's Christmas, but you know how that goes.  One trip down the baby toy aisle and I had several things tossed into my cart!  His daddy says he is already spoiled, but isn't that what we are supposed to do?!  He is not a big fan of the bounce seat or anything really, that involves not being held!  The doctor says by the time he is around 6 months, it will be OK to let him fuss a little and try to soothe himself, but for now, the spoiling continues!

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