Thursday, October 3, 2013

Carter's First Doctor Appointment

We took Carter to see his pediatrician for the first time today.  Of course, it took way longer than we thought to actually get him packed and loaded in the car and we were a few minutes late!  His doctor said he looked good, and he is up to 5 pounds!! And from the time we brought him home until today - 6 days, I had to let out the harness straps on his car seat he had grown so much! The doctor showed us his growth on a graph, and said it was "optimum", so he is growing very fast.  We still don't like the apnea monitor, as it goes off for no apparent reason, which I guess is totally normal for those.  But still, it puts you into a panic when it goes off.  We still have to feed him every 3 hours, so that he continues to get enough food and calories to maintain his growth pattern.  He will still need to wear his hat and keep bundled all the time until he is around 8 pounds.  They said at that point, they can usually hold their own as far as maintaining their temperature.  We bombarded the doctor with a million questions, and we hadn't even gotten out of the parking lot before we said, "Oh, we forgot to ask...."   If only we could think of everything when we needed to! Anyway, he goes back in 2 weeks for another check up.
Courtney is feeling a little more relaxed with him, and getting a little bit more rest, so she is in a better frame of mind.
The doctor said for probably six months, absolutely no crowds - church, store, etc.  And he said only do that if you are ok with saying to everyone, "Don't touch my baby, don't breathe on my baby, and don't put your face close to my baby".  That's kind of hard to do, so he will probably just stay in until spring!

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