Thursday, October 10, 2013

Quick trip to the doctor

We took Carter for an unscheduled doctor visit today. He has been getting choked fairly often when he feeds, and last night he actually threw up afterwards. So we were concerned that there might be something wrong, as well as wondering how much he was actually keeping down and wanting to make sure he was retaining enough food too continue gaining weight. Last Thursday he weighed 5 lbs. Today he weighed 5 lbs, 11 oz! So apparently he is gaining. The doctor said he is actually gaining 50% more than he needs to. We discussed the breast feeding vs. Formula with him.  The nicu nurses said to always offer him formula just to be sure he gets enough calories, and we think he is getting enough, so the doctor said to only breast feed for this week and see how his weight is next week.  He seems to be doing fine with it - didn't act hungry for about 3 hours, which is normal. We are excited about the possibility of not having to mess with formula, plus the preemie formula is really expensive. And breast milk is more easily digested, so that may help  with his reflux episodes.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that he has an uneventful night tonight!

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