Wednesday, October 16, 2013

No Explanation of Delivering Early

Courtney went for her six-week checkup yesterday and everything is fine.  Her incision is healing well.  They did several tests to try and determine the reason for the premature delivery, and there was nothing wrong.  Her doctor said about 10% of women deliver early for no apparent reason.  He also said if she chose to do this again, she would be considered high-risk and would probably need to take progesterone shots to try and ensure that she made it to term.  And said she would probably want to do another C-section. 
Carter slept all the way to Springfield, the whole time we were there and all the way home!  What a trooper!  We figured we would have to stop along the way home to feed him, and he fussed a few times on the ride home, but then went right back to sleep.  Of course, he was really ready to eat when we finally got him out of that seat! 
So glad all is going well at this point.  Carter goes for his 6-week appointment this week, and we will be anxious to see how much weight he has gained.  Next week he sees a pulmonologist  who will download the activity from his apnea monitor and supposedly he can tell if the alarms were real or false. We are hoping he tells us we don't need it any more.  It is such a pain lugging that thing around everywhere!

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