Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Still kicking!

Well, the last couple of days haven't been too bad, except we think Carter has his days and nights mixed up.  He seems to be rather content to snooze the day away, and then fusses and cries all night.  He has to take vitamins with iron, and we have been giving him 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the evening, and we are wondering if that might be upsetting his belly.  We will try giving him the second 1/2 in the afternoon and see how that goes.  His bandage from circumcision finally came off, so tonight it's bath time! And maybe we can soak off those darn apnea tabs and put new ones on to ensure the connection is good.  But his reflux doesn't seem to be as bad today.  And he is doing much, much better when he eats, remembering to pause and breathe every few sucks.  He has gotten strangled several times while eating - not sure what that's about, hoping it is something transitional that will pass.  We hope to weigh him tonight. His face has really filled out and his color is very good.  I hate not being able to take him out and show him off!  Can't take the chance of him getting rsv or even a minor cold would be a big deal. 

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