Monday, September 30, 2013

Adjusting to Home

The good news is that yesterday was pretty uneventful.Carter ate, slept and pooped. His monitor did not go off during the day one time! At this point our only dilemma is being sure he gets enough to eat at each feeding. Bottle feeding is easy, but we're never sure when breastfeeding. He is so tiny that losing only a small amount of weight would be a big deal. He takes 1/4 of a pepcid tablet one a day, as well as some added vitamins and iron. He is doing better about pacing himself when he eats and remembering to pause and breathe every so often. Mom and dad are extremely tired, so I tried to take care of Carter and let them rest as much as possible. Haven't talked to them yet today to see how the night went. We did have to elevate his cradle about 15° to help with his reflux. I feel like he is going through an adjustment period as well with the change to his routine, sounds and smells, and sleeping in a different bed. Hopefully in a day or two things will go a little smoother!

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