Friday, September 6, 2013

The First Day

So, I've never "blogged" before - bear with me.  Just thought it might be nice for there to be a central place for updates to how Carter is doing.
We had just spend Labor Day weekend at the lake, and were worn out and looking forward to getting back to a normal week.  Courtney had a doctor appointment on Tuesday, Sept. 3.  That, however, was not to be.  She called us about 3:30 a.m. Tuesday morning to say her water broke.  So, there we were, looking like the Marx brothers trying to gather our stuff and get on the road to Springfield, hoping we wouldn't be too far behind Courtney. Turns out, we were right behind them (or maybe we drove a little fast) and got there at the same time.
They took her in and did some assessing and decided they would keep her there for about 2 weeks to try and hold off delivering the baby until it reached 34 weeks.  But after a short while, she began to labor.  They gave her medication to try and stop it and it reduced the severity for a while but then started up again.  So, after about 8 hours of contractions coming every 2-3 minutes and growing stronger, they finally decided they would deliver the baby, who was breach, by C-section. 
Carter was born at 5:40 p.m.
We were all concerned for the health of the baby, but I have to say, as Courtney's mama, I think I was more concerned about her at this point.  I had tried so hard to be positive and strong for her, but eventually the tears could no longer be held back.  I went out in the hall and cried a few times and then re-composed myself and returned to her room.  But when they said they were ready to take her back for the surgery, I couldn't help but cry as we hugged before she was taken.
We had all teased Cole prior to this day that when the time came for her to have this baby, he would have to have a bed too, or would be passed out on the floor, but we were so proud of him!  He was such a trooper and so supportive of Courtney throughout this long day.  He did all the right things while she was in pain, and tried to help her as much as he could. 
Carter was 8 weeks early, but doing very well, considering.  When we first got to see him, he was just so tiny!  And tubes were going here and there, we were afraid to actually touch him. 
Courtney's brother was so concerned about his big sister!  This is the same guy who used to smack her in the head with whatever he could find.  Once, when they were scuffling I actually put them outside and locked the door and told them not to come in until they had made up.  After several minutes of them rolling around the yard, I decided my plan had failed and made them come back in! I worried they would grow up and hate each other, but I thank God they are true pals now.
So, we all survived the birth and have now begun our journey to do what we can to take care of this precious gift from God and get him home as soon as possible.  We know it will be a long process, and covet your prayers for our family. Little Carter has lots and lots of people who already love him bunches, and are ready to do whatever is needed to see that this little guy knows his family is there for him.
More updates will come!

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