Saturday, September 14, 2013

Went and visited Carter today. He had gained another ounce, now up to 3 lbs 10 oz. His picc line has been removed, so the only tubes he had are his feeding tube and some sticky probes to measure heart rate, pulse and temp. Courtney got to give him a bath this afternoon, and got three skin-to-skin sessions with him. His color looks good. He stayed awake for about an hour at his first feeding. His heart rate dropped a couple of times, which worried us, but the nurse said it was not uncommon in preemies, and as long as they correct it on their own, it's not a problem. We all just sit and stare at him, being amazed by his small size, and also how perfectly formed he is. You forget he is so small until you see a full term baby.  We happened to be there when the doctor came in today, and Courtney asked if he had a ballpark guess of when he might get to come home, and he said optimistically about three more weeks if he continues to gain weight and feed well. It will be so nice when he finally gets to go home!

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