Sunday, September 8, 2013

Just returned from the hospital. Carter is just doing fantastic! Today they are still feeding him through a tube, but they also put some in a syringe and put a few drops at a time in his mouth to see if he could suck and swallow at the same time, and he did! They were checking you see if he dribbled it back out of his mouth, but he kept almost all of it in and swallowed it.  Since birth he had only lost an ounce, so they consider that to be maintaining. Courtney got to hold him twice, and grandpa Gerald and I got to hold him too. The power of prayer is truly amazing. He is doing so much better than what was expected. We are so thankful for God's blessings!
As we sat in the nicu, noticing other tiny babies, there are some there that we have never seen visitors to their room, and others who were there, but I fear those babies will have a tough go once they get home. Such a variety of people there. Sad that you have to go through a rigorous process to adopt, yet they let these tiny babies go home with people who will not tend to their basic needs.
Courtney walked all the way to Carter's room three times today - very tiring, but she made it. She has been such a trooper. And you would think leaving to go home for the night would get easier, but it never does. Heartache and tears come at the end of each visit.
And I have to brag on Cole. He has stepped up and become a loving father overnight, realizing that suddenly your priorities have changed and a little life now depends solely on you. While we were gone, he got a crib mattress and put it in the bed and put the sheet on and got out the blankets that matched, and hung some wall decor. So proud of him!
keep the prayers coming, as we will surely need them!

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