Thursday, September 26, 2013

Homecoming is getting closer!

Spent the day with Carter. He is up to 4 lbs. 4 oz. His little face has really filled out and he has the funniest expressions!  We had to have a lesson on how to use an apnea monitor. When he finally goes home, he will have to have that hooked to him all the time. They showed us how to read it, and what to do if it goes off. It is extremely loud, so I don't think we will have trouble hearing it. We also saw the speech therapist today, who didn't really have any concerns about Carter. Then we saw the "car seat lady"   (not sure how you go about applying for that job...) and she showed us all the ins and outs of car seat safety. And the car seat Courtney has won't work! It is rated for babies over 5 lbs. So they got us a preemie seat and there really is alot of different in the placement of the shoulder harnesses. So we test-fitted him in and he fit just fine in that one. He is eating more and staying awake for all his feedings now. They let him breastfeed first and then supplement with a bottle to ensure that he is full and getting enough calories.  They are giving him pepcid because they believe he has reflux. It has to be crushed and mixed with formula and given once a day.  We are not sure how long he will have to take that.  When time draws close to going home, they require a 24 hour stay by mom and dad in a "parent care" room. This is a glorified motel from next to the nicu and they have to stay there and take total care of the baby, with nurses available if an emergency should arise. If that  goes smoothly, they should be discharged at the end of that period. It will be so nice when they finally get to bring him home. Trapsing around the hospital just wears you out.  They did say when he finally gets to come home, not to let him around small children or have him in crowds, such as walmart or church for several months. If he were to catch a child or the flu, it would be a big deal. That's going to be tough -everyone wants to come and see him when he is home, but they may have to wait a bit.

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